
The Chinese special Twenty-Four Solar Terms

The sun starts from the vernal equinox point(at this pointthe sun’s rays are perpendicular with the equatorand advances 15 degrees during one solar termcirculating one cycle and returning back to the vernal equinox pointToday in our Chinese learning online lesson, this is called one tropical yearadding up to 360 degreesexactly24 solar terms
The twenty-four solar term calendar and the Gregorian calendar dates are approximately the same year, the first half of the year occurs around the date of 6 or 21 of every month (summer solstice), and the next half on about 8 and 23By learning Chinese ancient schedules, the agricultural calendaryou can realize that solar term dates are difficult to ascertain. As the beginning of springfor examplecould begin one year as early as December 15and the latest date could be January 15
From the name twenty-four solar terms in our online Chinese lessonsone can speculate the division in the solar terms gives sufficient consideration to the seasonsclimateseasonal vegetationand other changes of natural phenomenaThe beginnings of springsummerautumnand winteras well as the vernal and autumnal equinoxes and the summer and winter solstices reflect the seasons’ changeThese are determined by divisions on the eclipticastronomical anglesthe reflecting and turning point of the sun’s altitude variationdifferentiating the four seasonswith astronomical anglesthe first four are the starts of seasonsand the later four are the turning points of the sun’s altitude variationDue to China occupying vast regionspossessing extremely distinct monsoon characteristics, and having various continental factorsthose result in great differences in the climateConsequentlythe various regions’ four seasons are different. Minor heatgreat heatlimit of heatminor coldand major cold are five solar terms reflecting degrees of temperatureRaingrain rainminor snow, and major snow are four solar terms indicating rain and snow precipitation, the time periodsand the severitycold dew, white dew, and descending frost are the three solar terms regarding water vapor condensation and appearance Yet this essentially reflects the process gradual temperature decline when the air temperature drops to a certain degreewater vapor emerges and forms dew.
As the temperature continues to declinethe condensation increases as it gets colder and colderWhen the temperature drops below zero degrees Celsiuswater vapor turns to frost full grain and grain in the husk are two solar terms indicating the maturing of domestic crops and harvest time. The terms wakening of insects and clear and bright reflect the occurrence of natural phenomenaIn particularthe awakening of insects indicates the first thunderstorm from the heavens stirring. The underground insects from hibernationindicating the return of spring. That is all for today’s Chinese online lesson as to how to understand Chinese 24 solar terms.

