
Oracle Bone Script is called jia3 gu3 wen2

If you are a Chinese learner who have studied the mandarin Chinese for children of Chinese history, the special historical literals called jia3 gu3 wen2 is probably not stranger to you. Today, we, the Chinese teachers from mandarin language online lessons would like to give you some introductions about the origin of the Chinese words called jia3 gu3 wenl. The Chinese version is 甲骨文 and its creator is called cang1 jie2.

Chinese is the world’s oldest written languagebeing used by the greatest number of people. According to recordsChinese writing emerges in the 14th century during the later part of the Yin Shang DynastyThis period gives rise to the preliminary form of written Chinese Oracle Bone ScriptThe invention and application of Chinese writing not only stimulated the development of Chinese culturebut also has had the far-reaching influence in the development of world civilization. At presentmany countries use written phonetic alphabetsbut Chinese writing has retained the property of ideograms. Thereforefrom the form of the writingwe can examine the lifesocietycustoms and the culture of originators. The writing is unique to China and writing can be the best way to learn Chinese and practice Chinese.

Since ancient timesthere have been numerous explanations regarding the birth of Chinese characters The formation of characters by Cang2 jie2 is the widest spread one with pervasive recordation in the ancient booksIt is said to learn Chinese online that Cang1 jie2 was the historiographer of the Yellow EmperorAs legend has itone day Cang1 jie2 saw a deityhis appearance was odd and his face looked like a picture with some writing on it. ConsequentlyCang1 jie2 drew the god’s imagery, creating the first Chinese characters. Ancient manuscripts state that as Cang1 jie2 created the wordsnature’s
mysteries were revealedgrain fell from the heavensand ghosts and gods cried and wafted during the nightYet still another legend reveals that Cang1 jie2 observed the tracks of birds and animalsthus inspiring his scriptLater on, the paints of birds nad animal were used as his script.

Let us refer to cang1 jie2 who had created the Chinese words. He is 仓颉. Chinese people still remember this figure whose content and introduction has been compiled itto Chinese textbooks for both Chinese students and foreigners who learned Chinese language online.

So, this is all first introduction of Chinese oldest words and figures cang1 jie2. If you want to get information about its Chinese historical culture, why not go to the website of www.hanbridgemandarin.com to learn Mandarin online for more details.


