
What will Black Peony do in the next story?

Here is the next part of the Peony hill. For the best way to learn Chinese, you would better take a look. Black Peony nodded and then she felt herself flyingWhile she could open her eyes againshe found herself already on the moonThe Goddess of the Moon found Black Peony not only beautiful but also kindhearted and began to like her more and colorful flowers. She wanted to see the Jade Hare on the Silver Hill and the toad on the Golden HillShe showed the rare beasts jn the laurel and the forestsshe asked her to taste all the delicacies in the Heaven and sleep jn the Crystal Palace

The Godless of the Moon held her hand affectionately “You should forget all the sorrow on the EarthYou should live there with rile in the Moon Palace (yue4 gong1 in the way to learn Chinese online)and enjoy flower.”Black Peony sighed“ohthank youmy dear GoddessI can forget the sorrowbut I have not repaid the kindness my parents gave ine and i have not shared their sorrowI must go back to perform my filial duty.” The Goddess of the Moon nodded her agreementSmilingshe said just as what you learn Mandarin online“What a kind girl you are! OK, and he give you a hand”. She picked a fruitgave it to herand told her how to plant itThe Goddess said“Good girlnow you cannot go home’’She waved her sleeve and Black Peony flew away from the Moon Palace

Black Peony woke suddenlyIt turned out to be sweet dream.  But there was a Thoreau fruit in her handheavy and shiny blacklike the gold ingotBlack peony pointed the fruit in the soil of the Auntie Hill as the Goddess of the Moon had told her
She repeated the words tile Goddess had taught her“God has mercythe Earth has sympathyThoreauThoreaugrow up”She repeated these words three times

After the first timeit flashed a white and strong light. In the light grew a tendergreen sproutas beautiful as the jade. After the second timeit flashed a red and strong lightIn the lighttile sprout grew into a Thoreau tree of three Zhang and three Chi (eleven meters tall in mandarin chinese for children)with jade green branches at leavesIt stood there tall and erectas pretty as a young lady The third time she repeated the wordsit flashed a golden and strong lightIn the lightgold ingots and silver ingots on the beachesBlack Peony cried  both surprised and exited“Ahthe Goddess of the Moon gives nle a tree that can drop coins and shaken it!”


