
There is the another Small Wu dang in China

Below the sky pillar peak, the main peak of wu dang mountain is a small hill surrounded by peaks, just like pearl in a jade green platePeople call it little w dang in AP chineseLegend has it locked Wu dang was the head of sky pillar peak   
Long time ago
the southern part of the earth was a sea of fireThe flames went so high that they reached the heavenThe immortals could not bear the heat any longerso they turned to most exalted lord lao zi for help. You may hear about lao zi if you take enough ap chinese practice. Laozi said to a waterman and let him to put out the big fire quickly’’
The waterman carried two buckets of water from Heavenly River
l shoulder pole and poured it down towards the sea of fire. Immediately the fire went out and a plain appearedIn the middle of the plain stood a mountaintoo high to measure the heightshining and gorgeousAccording to chinese proficiency test, this is the Sky pillar PeakThe waterman took a fancy to this precious landso he ran to the top of the mountain and settled downclaiming himself to God Wu Liang as a supernatural in this landPeople came from every quarter to worship himOne daya thin old man driving a small donkey arrived at the foot of sky pillar peakHe sat down to retell himself knowing that he should kowtow to God Wu liang. By the way, kowtow  means knee on the ground and get your head down to the ground in chinese test·
Noticing this elder man’s arrogance
God Wu liang to be angry and  condemned him saying“This is  a  inhabited by the immortalsAll the civil officials passing by their chairs and all the military officers passing by down from their horsesEven the immortals will greet file it. How dare you be so rude?” Watermanyou absolutely have eyes but see the supernatural beings like meYou really optimistic your own abilities so as to claim to be God Wu liang. The old man said. “This precious land was boom. Yin and Yang had combined togetherThat is all for this edition of Chinese culture and folk story.


