
The final part in the plot of servant boy story

After thirty daysthe servant boy still insisted that should be sent back homeThe three fairies reluctantly walk off and said together whose words were also can be seen in mandarin class for kids“Firewood brotheryou are not clever and gratitudeNeither do you despise the poor or the oldnor do love the rich or the newYon are the one with a heart of going the world

You can take anything you like in the caveWe are poorbut we don’t get anything without anything for youI will take nothing’’“Wellif you don’t want any treasurethat’s OKIt takes three bags of peach blossom under the peach tree souvenirNow that you come to this fairy mount, please go back with empty hands. The servant boy swept and got a bag of flower. He realized that the three fairies really wanted him to do so. Thump! This word is not suitable for children to learn chinese online for kids.
The stone door shut close after he walked to take his drill rodbut he found it had already got rottenhe went to take his ropebut the rope had already got carlkeredPuzzled, he walked slowly to his houseWhen he was insidehe saw an old woman cooking potherbShe stared at him for a while and then cried out and ran to himWhat had happened? It turned out to be jt that she was his mute wifeHe lowered his head finding that his beard had already been whiteHe had became an old man!

When he understood that thirty days in the cave was thirty years in the human worldHe gave the peach blossom to his wife. When she opened ltshe found that the flower turned into crystal pearl and agate with shin and fragranceThe servant boy
banded the colorful stone to his wifeShe put it under her nose and smell itWhen the stone touched her lipsshe shouted excitedly like the sentence of Chinese for children
“Brotherwhere did you get it?” His mute wife could speak! He also became very rich because of the treasures

In the light of Chinese class for kids, who has stolen your treasure? You have any proof? The poor can never be rich just like donkeys can never have hornsWhere did you get the treasure? Tell the  truth!” The servant boy could not do anything but to teli him about his findings of the stone and meeting with the fairies



What will Black Peony do in the next story?

Here is the next part of the Peony hill. For the best way to learn Chinese, you would better take a look. Black Peony nodded and then she felt herself flyingWhile she could open her eyes againshe found herself already on the moonThe Goddess of the Moon found Black Peony not only beautiful but also kindhearted and began to like her more and colorful flowers. She wanted to see the Jade Hare on the Silver Hill and the toad on the Golden HillShe showed the rare beasts jn the laurel and the forestsshe asked her to taste all the delicacies in the Heaven and sleep jn the Crystal Palace

The Godless of the Moon held her hand affectionately “You should forget all the sorrow on the EarthYou should live there with rile in the Moon Palace (yue4 gong1 in the way to learn Chinese online)and enjoy flower.”Black Peony sighed“ohthank youmy dear GoddessI can forget the sorrowbut I have not repaid the kindness my parents gave ine and i have not shared their sorrowI must go back to perform my filial duty.” The Goddess of the Moon nodded her agreementSmilingshe said just as what you learn Mandarin online“What a kind girl you are! OK, and he give you a hand”. She picked a fruitgave it to herand told her how to plant itThe Goddess said“Good girlnow you cannot go home’’She waved her sleeve and Black Peony flew away from the Moon Palace

Black Peony woke suddenlyIt turned out to be sweet dream.  But there was a Thoreau fruit in her handheavy and shiny blacklike the gold ingotBlack peony pointed the fruit in the soil of the Auntie Hill as the Goddess of the Moon had told her
She repeated the words tile Goddess had taught her“God has mercythe Earth has sympathyThoreauThoreaugrow up”She repeated these words three times

After the first timeit flashed a white and strong light. In the light grew a tendergreen sproutas beautiful as the jade. After the second timeit flashed a red and strong lightIn the lighttile sprout grew into a Thoreau tree of three Zhang and three Chi (eleven meters tall in mandarin chinese for children)with jade green branches at leavesIt stood there tall and erectas pretty as a young lady The third time she repeated the wordsit flashed a golden and strong lightIn the lightgold ingots and silver ingots on the beachesBlack Peony cried  both surprised and exited“Ahthe Goddess of the Moon gives nle a tree that can drop coins and shaken it!”



You may have never known this Peach-flower Cave

There is a peach cave in Wudang( the pinyin that you can learn in mandarin hanbridge ) mountain with peach trees of the pink color in and outYou can see the peach trees and smell the fragrance miles awayIt is the unique sightseeing in the Wu dang mountain and it is said that there is an old story about the peach blossomLong time agothere was a cold-blooded landlord living at the foot of Yun summitHe was as cold as freezing ice to the pouring clayhis servant boy got a terrible sickness and stayed on bedThe landlord (we say di4 zhu3 in Chinese hanbridge ) thought since the boy couldn’t work for him any moreHe threw him down a steep cliffwhere the science could Iie oil a haystack and be eaten by wolves

At the back of the mountaina solitary dumb girl took the servant boy to her houseEvery day she took care of the servant boy with water and soupSurprisinglythe servant boy was gradually curedThen he lived with the girl in the hut in order to be thankful her for they worked hard in the field and lived a hard live. On Marchthe servant boy climbed up the mountain to fetch the firewood. He saw a toad as big as a basin swallowing a big poisonous waspThen the wasp bit the toad and flew away through the toad's bellyThe injured toad climbed and climbed, finally reaching a channelAfter the wounded toad scraped on a colorful stone for several timesit was curedAccording to the contents of hanbridge Chinese, the servant be picked up the beautiful and slippery stone and thought it must be something preciousHe held it tightly and delightedlyfearing he would lose ltUnder a cliffthe servant boy put the carrying poll aside inadvertentlythe colorful stone touched the cliffJump down the two big stone doors opened and the servant boy walked inIt was a commodious cave with peach trees in rows on both sides.

The brilliant red peach blossom was like the morning rosy clout decorating the old caveThe servant boy was deep in sight Suddenly a beautiful girl yelled loudly“Eldest sisterelder sistercome outWe have a distinguished guest’’The voice does not like hanbridge mandarin but would like a golden bell in a valleyclearsweet and melodiousThree beautiful fairies with the same pink dress stood front of the servant boy in a minuteThey were the same and as beautiful as the peach blossomThey said in one way “Welcome and sit down”When the servant boy was in the cavehe saw the golden tablegolden stooljade basinjade bowlpearlagatesilk many kinds of treasure under the peach tree



What is the Phoenix-tear Pond in Chinese story

Sky pillar peakthe summit of Wudang mountainis just like a great column according to online chinese learningA part of it is covered by the cloud and the sun rises above the cloudNo brook can come up and no rain water be stored thereHoweverthere are two big ponds which arc filled with clearfresh water on the peakwhich never dry while the lead of the spring cannot be foundIt is said that the ponds arc made by phoenixesand the water is their tearsso they are called “Phoenix Tear Pond”. At that timethousands of forced laborers built the Palace of Harmony on the sky-pillar peakbut there was not any water to uscso they had to carry the water from some distant placesThe placewhich they carried the water fromwas named the strong riverand was about 40 kilometers away from the foot of the sky pillar peakThe pear was so high and dangerousand the Journey was so hard that the people who carried the water had to walk eight kilometers to go up and down the peakThe were tired and exhausted onesand it seemed that the sweat they shed more than the water they carriedThere were two people among the forced laborers to carry the waterone of whom was Da Fengand the Er Feng, which are pinyin for chinese learning online. Because Da Feng’s mother wanted a daughter, she gave her son a girl’s namebut Er Feng was a girlStle was Da Feng’s neighbor as well as good friend

At one timewhile Er Feng got badly sickthe magnificence of the laborers still forced her to carry the water as soon as recovered a littleEr Feng was shy and honestso she could use blandishments to please to carry the water without a word

Knowing Er Feng was so we and could not afford this kind of heavy workDa Feng follow her closelyready to help her any time when she was climbing into the mountain. The hardest way up to Wudang Mountain ( a very famous mountain in Chinese culture of chinese online learning) was the eighty one hundred stepswhich was so steep that is too dared to walk onWhen they went up the stairspeople could touch the heads of the people who were walking, and they went downpeople’s feet would touch the heads.

People were walking aheadEr Feng carried the water walked tens of kilometers from the Sword River to the motif. But when she got to the Flight of One Hundred Stepsit was too tired to go on  She was so exhaustedand even her dresses were soakcd with sweatFor some lessons of chinese learn online, you can visit many Chinese learning website, like hanbridgemandarin.com for help in understanding Chinese culture and stories.
